影片讲述了留守儿童小云洁(外号矮婆),在山村里与奶奶及两个妹妹相依为命的故事。在没有青年人的村子里,云洁与同伴们过着简单而又纯真的童年。与同学相比,12岁的云洁除了要努力学习外,还负担着繁重的家务,辛苦与快乐交织在这个夏天里。冬季,云洁目睹了即将升学的好友们 相继离家出 走,南下打工。而奶奶的突然离世,使她还算轻松的童年生活戛然而止。云洁只能带着两个妹妹,背井离乡去寻找自己在广州打工的父母。而漂泊在外的父母面临着她所不能想象的生存压力和许多更为严峻的问题…… 。 (本片 入围 第八届北京国际电影节 展映单元,本片联系咨询 微信 :499088756 ) Jiang Yunjie, a twelve-years-old leftover child in a China’s countryside, lived a tough life with her grandma and two step sisters. Compared to her classmates, Yunjie had to study hard and do heavy housework at the same time, because her parents went out to work this summer. Her grandma’s sudden death prompted her to go out to find her parents. However, she hadn’t imagined the huge pressure and severe problem that they confronted…