都市白领老贾放弃城市生活,带着妻子回归田园,实践自然农法的种植。他的理念吸引了一批城市仰慕者,而当地的村民却不敢苟同。日出日落,夫妻逐渐失去了相濡以沫的情感,只剩下责任分工与义务,家庭与田园生活都面临了困境与裂痕。他们的故事里,有种子的培育,有生命的诞生,有稻谷的丰收,也有爱情的背叛,见证了人生的步履不停。 Old Jia was a white-collar worker who gave up his city life and returned to the countryside with his wife, Lizi. He abandoned chemical fertilizer to practice natural farming. His attitude and philosophy attracted a big group of admirers from the city, whereas local villagers found his approaches disagreeable. When Old Jia finally left and looked back this part of his life, he saw the germination of seeds, the birth of new life, the harvest of crops, and the betrayal of love. And as always, life goes on.