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Meters of Beijing--电影--中国--记录片,新闻--高清

8/14/2018 10:36:02 PM 人评论

For the 2008 Beijing Olympics, a card swipe system for ease of payment was installed in all cabs across the city. The intended idea was for mass convenience, but the reality for those who chose to use the card was far different than intended. This doc…

Meters of Beijing--电影--中国--记录片,新闻--高清

Meters of Beijing--电影--中国--记录片,新闻--高清

For the 2008 Beijing Olympics, a card swipe system for ease of payment was installed in all cabs across the city. The intended idea was for mass convenience, but the reality for those who chose to use the card was far different than intended. This documentary made after the 2008 Olympics, shows how governmental agency policy can take a wrong turn if consideration of those who must use it are not taken in to consideration. The swipe card system failure is representative of so many things in China today. Misguided policy that is not well thought out. China in a rush to make the Olympics a success simply rushed too many things through without properly thinking their consequences through.


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