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The Writer--电影--中国,澳大利亚--剧情,音乐,爱情--高清

8/14/2018 10:36:02 PM 人评论

The Writer explores the lives of twelve different people from different cultures co-existing in Chengdu, China. Some of them are musicians, some of them are lovers, all of them have dreams. From the young male hip hop dancer trying to find his place i…

The Writer--电影--中国,澳大利亚--剧情,音乐,爱情--高清

The Writer--电影--中国,澳大利亚--剧情,音乐,爱情--高清

The Writer explores the lives of twelve different people from different cultures co-existing in Chengdu, China. Some of them are musicians, some of them are lovers, all of them have dreams. From the young male hip hop dancer trying to find his place in modern Chinese culture, to the Australian singer finding solace on a Chinese stage from her failed relationship back home, to a migrant worker saving for her young son to go to school, each of these people must follow their dreams to find their place in this world.


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