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Yours in Solidarity--电影--荷兰--历史--高清

8/14/2018 10:36:02 PM 人评论

A Between 1989 and 1999, the activism of Karl Max Kreuger centered around his mail box. From all over the world, fellow anarchists sent personal accounts of their activities to his well-known post address in Holland. Kreuger forwarded letters and info…

Yours in Solidarity--电影--荷兰--历史--高清

Yours in Solidarity--电影--荷兰--历史--高清

A Between 1989 and 1999, the activism of Karl Max Kreuger centered around his mail box. From all over the world, fellow anarchists sent personal accounts of their activities to his well-known post address in Holland. Kreuger forwarded letters and information to others, creating a networking system similar to email and internet, just before it became widely used. Kreuger died unexpectedly in 1999 and his correspondence was brought to the IISG in Amsterdam. The film is not attempt to portray Karl Max Kreuger himself, but rather portray a complicated and somewhat diffuse global network of anarchist thinkers, on the threshold of the new-liberal, internet-age era.


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