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12/18/2018 11:15:04 PM 人评论

This book focuses on the laser sensor based robotic vision system, due to its robustness and because it is relatively less sensitive to its working environment,and on the rapid growth in its applications. A laser structured light is the main concern i




This book focuses on the laser sensor based robotic vision system, due to its robustness and because it is relatively less sensitive to its working environment,and on the rapid growth in its applications. A laser structured light is the main concern in a discussion about vision sensing. Also addressed in this book is each component of the robotic vision system and an emphasis on how to increase the accuracy of the system by three levels of calibration. This includes calibration of the vision system (eye calibration), calibration of eye-to-hand configuration and calibration of robot kinematics (hand calibration).


Visual Sensing and its Applications Integration of LaserSensors to Industrial Robots provides comprehensive and up-to-date coverage of research and development on this robotic visionsystem. A laser-structured light is the main concern indiscussions of visual sensing.Also addressed in this book are allcomponents of the robotic vision system and an emphasis on how toincrease the accuracy of the system using three levels ofcalibration. This includes calibration of the vision system (eyecalibration), calibration of eye-to-hand configuration andcalibration of robot kinematics (hand calibration). With theintegration of the laser sensors to industrial robots numerousapplications in the field of robotic welding, grinding,machining, inspection, and palletiz-ing are illustrated based onpractical engineering projects in order to demonstrate how thevisual sensing is performed. The book will serve as a valuableresource for researchers and engineers in the areas of roboticsand machine vision.


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