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12/23/2018 3:24:50 PM 人评论

本丛书着重选择在中国流传、广大读者喜闻乐见的经典故事,这些故事不仅展现智慧、品格和灵感,而且有着一定的文学价值。相信国外读者朋友尤其是青少年朋友,在这些美丽故事的感染下,一定会更加了解和热爱中国传统文化。小32开,四色印刷,图文并茂。 Chinese classic s





Chinese classic stories have inherited and passed on the abundant historic treasury of the Chinese nation that has been accumulated over several thousand years, mirroring the politics, military affairs, culture, folk customs, prevailing moral practices, ideals and interests of ancient China. Through those stories, people can gain an understanding of China's long history and achieve an insight into the profound historical origins of Chinese culture.We have identified stories from the vast number of Chinese classic stories, and complied them into this collection. All stories are illustrated in concise words and expressions, and vivid pictures, which will help the process of reading enjoyable. The series of Classic Stories of China comprises nine books: Scenic Spots Stories, History Stories, Myths Stories, Wisdom Stories, Folk Customs Stories, Ancient Fables, Folk Tales, Idiom Stories, Drama Stories. May those books be your good teacher and helpful friends in learning Chinese culture.


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