只有你相信时,奇迹才会发生。 《迪士尼英文原版爱丽丝梦游仙境 Alice in Wonderland》是迪士尼电影《爱丽丝梦游仙境》的同名英文小说,兰登书屋原版英文,中文注释生词点拨,电影剧照精彩呈现,细心打磨精心制作,和英文原版书来一次亲密接触吧! 《迪士尼英文原版.爱丽丝梦游仙境2:镜中奇遇记 Alice Through the Looking Glass》是迪士尼电影《爱丽丝梦游仙境2:镜中奇遇记》的同名英文小说,迪士尼原版英文,中文注释生词点拨,细心打磨精心制作,和英文原版书来一次亲密接触吧! 兰登书屋原版英文: 原版英文源自兰登书屋,迪士尼官方正版引进。与同名电影紧密结合,是学习地道英语、感受英语文化、建立英语思维的好读本,快速提高你的英语水平、提升你的英语语感! 中文注释生词点拨: 针对重难点词汇,页下都配有实用的词汇或文化注释,省去查阅词典、中断阅读的麻烦,帮你扫清阅读障碍、丰富英语词汇! 电影剧照精彩呈现: 精选电影剧照,均为迪士尼官方授权,还原电影精彩场景,丰富阅读体验,提升阅读效果! 细心打磨精心制作: 贴心的疏朗版式设计,精巧的小开本装帧、精选的电影剧照、独特的加拿大进口轻型纸…… 所有的一切,都只为了让你所见所触都有纯正英文的熏陶,让你每时每刻都能感受英文原版书的魅力!
Alice, you cannot live your life to please others.The choice must be yours because when you step out toface that creature, you will step out alone. Just beyond our world lies a place where Mad Hattershares his tea with Marchhares and Dormice. A queen enjoys a tyrannous reign, while terrifying beasts and immaterial felines roam her kingdom. There is a simple way into this world, and a young woman named Alice has found it. Join her as she travels down the rabbit hole and into a place called Underland. When Alice returns to the whimsical world of Underland, all is not well. The Mad Hatter has lost his muchness. That is to say, he has become horribly and certifiably normal. What’s more, the banished Red Queen has devised a twisted plan to regain the throne. Soon Alice realizes that the only way to save the Hatter and Underland is to travel to the past and right old wrongs. But Time may not be on her side...当爱丽丝重返天马行空的地下世界时,她发现一切都不太正常了。疯帽子没了那股“疯劲儿”,也就是说,他成了一个正常得可怕的人。更糟糕的是,被废黜的红皇后制订了一个邪恶计划以夺回王位。爱丽丝很快就意识到,能拯救疯帽子和地下世界的办法只有回到过去,纠正旧时的错误。不过“时间”可能不会站在她这一边……