该系列图书精选自中国古代经典小说名著,为方便外国读者理解,专门请有关专家对原著进行缩写改编,内容涵盖原著中有代表性的情节和故事,通过这些可读性强的故事传达出其中蕴含的中国传统文化精髓,吸引国外读者的阅读和探究兴趣,出版后特别受到国外读者喜爱。 《三国演义》是中国一部长篇章回小说,也是群众创作和作家创作相结合的典范之一,是成就很高、影响很大的古代历史演义小说。小说通过集中描绘三国时代各封建统治集团之间的政治、军事、外交斗争,揭示了东汉末年社会的动荡和黑暗,谴责了封建统治者的暴虐,反映了民众的苦难和他们呼唤明君、呼唤安定的强烈愿望。本书是针对外国读者的改编故事版。 Romance of the Three Kingdoms,written by Luo Guanzhong the 14th century, is a Chinese historical novel based upon events in the turbulent years near the end of the Han Dynasty, and the Three Kingdoms period (220-280). It is possibly the most famous and important novel in classic Chinese literature. Not only is it the earliest of the "Four Classical Novels of Chinese literature ", but it created a complete cultural phenomenon whose impact is still fresh today.