《长腿叔叔》是一部书信体小说,全书以81封书信构成,讲述了一个天性乐观、品学兼优的孤女茱蒂的故事。该书一经推出即获得不同凡响的轰动,长期以来畅销不衰。其语言文字的曼妙可爱、简笔画的趣味勾勒、情节的丰富流畅奠定了此书不可替代的文学成就,一度被媒体称为"一本百年难得一见的好书,内容胜过《小妇人》。"该书陆续以舞台剧、戏曲、卡通和电影的形式展现在世人面前。 本书为精校英文原版,在满足原汁原味英文阅读的同时也尽可能减少出版错误;同时提供配套英文朗读免费下载,在品读精彩故事的同时,亦能提升英语阅读水平,扫码二维码即可进入下载页面。
This book, Jean Webster's 1912 novel, is dedicated "To You." Today It is often classified as children's literature, but at the time it was part of a trend of "girl" or "college girl" books which featured young female protagonists dealing with posthigh-school concerns such as college, career, and marriage. These books predated the contemporary view of adolescence. An orphaned girl named Judy Abbott and an unknown, unseen benefactor who sends her to college and whom she refers to as "Daddy-Long-Legs" are the two principals in this immensely popular modern-day fairy tale. Told through Judy's letters and illustrated by her own quaint drawings, DADDY-LONG-LEGS is a profound and tender homage to the power of awakening love. Webster herself adapted it into a stage play which debuted in 1914. In addition, it was adapted into a 1952 British stage musical comedy called Love from Judy, as well as films in 1919, 1931, 1935,1955.
简·韦伯斯特,出生在美国纽约, 1897年,进入瓦萨大学,其间与女诗人阿德莱德·凯朴茜结为挚友,其友情一直保持到了1914年凯朴茜逝世。大学毕业后,作为一个自由撰稿人和小说家,居住在纽约。韦伯斯特一生共写了八部小说,第一部小说《当帕蒂去学院的时候》1903年出版,这部小说描写了一个女孩在大学中经历的种种考验、困难和冒险。《长腿叔叔》是其非常受欢迎的作品之一,出版后不久便被改编成了舞台剧。1915年,《长腿叔叔》已经广为流传,而它的续集《亲爱的敌人》也已经出版。1916年6月11日,韦伯斯特因难产而逝世。