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12/23/2018 3:24:50 PM 人评论

The story fo Marco Polos journey across the vast land of China has entertained and informed generations of peoele all over the world since it was first published published nearly 700 years ago.Being exploration enthusiasts,we had long indulged in




The story fo Marco Polos journey across the vast land of China has entertained and informed generations of peoele all over the world since it was first published published nearly 700 years ago.Being exploration enthusiasts,we had long indulged in the romantic dream of one day identifying and tracing Marco Polos route through northen China.
Marco Polo chose the most perilous route possible from Venice to China,a country still shrouded in maystery and myth in the Western world.His incredible advertures in Asia and the book he wrote made this Italian merchant world-famous.Upon its publication,The Travels of Marco Polo created a furore throughout Europe,and is still widely consulted today.


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