这是迄今为止我国系统、全面反映中美两国关系史的一部力作。《中美关系史》是从1784年美国商船“中国皇后号”远航广州到2013年6月习近平同奥巴马举行庄园会晤为止的中美关系的通史性著作。 全书根据中美双方的资料,简明扼要地叙述了悠长岁月中的两国关系,展现了两国关系极其丰富又错综复杂的图景;通过对这一时期两国间重大事件的叙述,展示了中美两国外交政策的决策过程及影响双方决策的种种国内和国际因素,以及两国外交政策对世界的影响。展示了双方经过多年的磨合、冲撞,从扶持、对抗走向和解、共同前进的脉络。书中不少值得重视的观点是根据重要的档案资料所得出,这对理解中美关系提供了一个新视角。
Tao Wenzhao, born at east China's Zhejiang Province, February 1943, is an honorary academician of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and senior fellow of the Institute of American Studies.He served as the deputy director at the Institute and as secretary general of the Chinese Association of American Studies from 1994 to 2003. His publications include A History of Sino-American Relations (1911-2000) (in three volumes), China's Foreign Relations During the China's War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression (co-author), US' China Poficy After the End of the Cold War (co-author),American Think-tanks and US' China Policy After the End of the Cold War (co-author).