LADY CHATTERIJEY'S LOVER is a novel by D. H. Lawrencc, first published in 1928. Thefirst edition was printed in Florence, Italy; itcould not be published openly in the UnitcdKingdom until 1960. (A private edition wasissued by Inky Stephcnsen's Mandrake Pressin 1929).
The story is said to have originated fromevents in Lawrence's own unhappy domesticlife, and he took inspiration for the settings ofthe book from Eastwood in Nottinghamshirewherc he lived for a while. According to somecritics, the fling of Lady Ottoline Morrcll with"Tiger", a young stonemason who camc tocarvc plinths for her garden statucs, alsoinfluenced the story.
D.H. LAWRFNCF, (1885-1930),one of the greatest figures in20th-century English literature.Lawrcncc saw sex and intuition asways to undistorted perception ofreality and mcans to respond tothe inhumanity of the industrialculture. From Lawrence'sdoctrines of scxual freedom aroseobscenity trials, which had a dccpeffect on the relationshipbctwccn literature and society.
In 1912 he wrote: "What theblood feels, and believes, and says,is always true." Lawrcncc's Iifcafter World War I was markedwith continuous and restlesswandering.