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12/23/2018 3:24:50 PM 人评论

Elizabeth Barrett Brownirig and Robert Browning are known for their remarkablelove story, recorded in their letters to each other and such poems as her How doI love thee?Let me count the ways. It was after their marriage and move to Italy -to avoid




  Elizabeth Barrett Brownirig and Robert Browning are known for their remarkablelove story, recorded in their letters to each other and such poems as her How doI love thee?Let me count the ways. It was after their marriage and move to Italy -to avoid the wrath of Barrett Brownings controlling and eccentric father - thateach poet wrote their most modern and thought-provoking work, including thedramatic monologues of Brownings Men and Women.This biography traces the poets lives, starting with Barrett Brownings intensivestudy of Greek (unusual for a girl of her time) and other languages, and her firstpoems, published anonymously at her fathers expense. Browning, by contrast,wrote little poetry in his youth, branched out into playwriting in his twenties, andalthough he wrote many of his more memorable poems in the early 1850s,achieved critical acclaim only after his wifes death in 1861.The author describes Barrett Brownings complicated relations with her family;the couples life in Pisa, Florence and Paris; the birth of their son, Pen; the growthand inspiration of their poetic styles; Barrett Brownings progressive social andpolitical ideas as expressed in such works as Aurora Leigh; and Brownings later lifeback in England, when he became a well-known figure in London society andpublished work including his late masterpiece The Ring and the Book, Other impor-tant aspects of the poets lives are explored; their travels and their friendships withpeople prominent in the worlds of art, writing, and social theory, among themJohn Ruskin, Alfred Tennyson, W.M. Thackeray, Dante Gabriel Rossetti, and theart historian and feminist Anna BrownellJameson.


  本书最引人入胜的部分也许是对布朗宁夫妇的爱情、婚姻以及国外生活的描写,还有他们与许多文坛巨匠的交往和友谊。 此外,本书对布朗宁夫妇的一些重要作品进行了详细的解读,其间不时闪烁着诗人的灵感和智慧,折射出他们的理想和情怀。这部诗人传记途述生动,资料翔实,脉络清晰,图文并茂,文笔流畅,是我国大学生、研究生和文学爱好乾不可多得的英语读物。


  Dr Martin Garrett has written extensivelyon both nineteenth-century and Renais-sance literature. His previous books includeGreece: A Literary Companion, TraveUersLiterary Companion: Italy, and Venice: ACultural and Literary Companion. His earlierwork on the Brownings indudes editingElizabeth Barrett Browning and Robert Brown-ing: Interviews and Recollections, and he is alsothe author of George Gordon, Lord Byron inthe British Library Writers Lives series.


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