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12/23/2018 3:24:50 PM 人评论







This book, based on the theme of "Chinese culture," introduces representative literary works and writers that have influenced Chinese culture and social life in different eras, including both great writers and poets recognized by the history of literature and non-mainstream writers who have played an active part in promoting folk culture. "Literature is a mirror of history and society," as a saying goes. From the angle of "Chinese literature," this book aims to reveal the connotation of Chinese culture.

Chinese literature, spanning over three thousand years, has well shaped the splendid and profound cultural identity of the Chinese people. Chinese literature is of immediate practical use from its source. It concerns human relationships and everyday life as well as political education. Moreover, it is closely related with the spiritual life of the people. The Chinese people strive for the harmony of man:with nature, firmly believing that the foundation of human relationships and everyday life is in communion with the heavenly principles. What the geniuses in the field of literature aspire to know and concern themselves with are the whole universe, history, and the bitter sorrow of the common people. All these are the great splendors in the tradition of Chinese literature.


Dr, Yao Dan, Dean of Modern and Contemporary Chinese Literature Teaching and Research Office at School of Liberal Arts of Renmin University of China, a member of the Society of Modern Chinese Literature and a special researcher of the Christian Culture Institute at Renmin University of China. Her works include Literary Activities in the Historical Context of Southwest United University, A Guidance to Readers of Modern and Contemporary Chinese Literature and so on.


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