In May 2009, the Association of Italian Women of Beijing invited the author to deliver a lecture on this topic.Among the members of the audience were all kinds of non-Chinese: those who wanted to melt into Chinese society and didn't know how, as well as those who were just crossing off an X on their calendars, counting down the days that remained in their suffering.This is when I decided that this little "manual of the newcomer" needed to be written.
本书作者是加拿大作家李莎,她在中国生活了二十年,积累了大量与中国人打交道、交朋友的经验,她将这些独特的体验总结成在中国快乐生活的窍门,介绍给有意在中国生活工作的外国朋友。书稿中有文化碰撞、对比,有幽默故事,有感人画面,可读性、针对性都很强。 This book is for those non- Chinese who wanted to melt into Chinese society and didn’t know how. They may be unable to find their positions in China where they can use their skills, may also feel emptiness, frustration, imbalance, a sense of injustice, and a loss of identity. The author believes it is possible to live happily in China, because the impact of the ability to communicate is greater than one can imagine. By introducing habits and customs of the society of China and details appearing constantly in Chinese people’s daily life, she will help foreigners understand China and Chinese people, learn effective ways to communicate in this society, and build confidence to live happily here.