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12/23/2018 3:24:50 PM 人评论






  Former ambassador Zeng Xuyong acts as the editor-in-chief of this book and personages from all walks of life including former Nepalese Prime Minister Kirti Nidhi Bista and other Nepalese politicians senior Chinese diplomats with experience of working in Nepal and those in the media economy trade and academic research fields of both countries are contributors fully reflecting the width and depth of Sino-Nepalese friendship. They recall and praise the profound friendship between the two peoples in combination with their sincere feelings and personal experiences.I am sure that readers in the two countries the young generation in particular will gain much knowledge on the historical context for Sino-Nepalese friendship typical of good neighbors engaged in mutually beneficial cooperation and gain adeep understanding of the profound meaning of the Sino-Nepalese community of common destiny and will strive to be the inheritors and builders of Sino-Nepalese friendship so as to promote an even stronger comprehensive cooperative partnership.



  《我们和你们:中国和尼泊尔的故事(英)》这本书是由16位中国作者和7位尼泊尔作者共同撰写的,它本身就是中尼友好合作的产物。本书的中方作者大多在尼泊尔长期工作过,其中有多位中国前驻尼泊尔大使、参赞、武官等高级外交官,有曾在中国国际广播电台负责尼语节目编辑、播音的专业人士,有参加过对尼经援和文化交流的人员,有常驻尼的资深记者和出访过尼的新闻出版界人士,还有长期从事尼泊尔研究的学者。他们怀着对尼泊尔人民的真挚友情,从不同的侧面和视角描述自己亲身经历的真实生动的故事,缅怀和赞颂中尼两国人民的深厚友谊。本书的几位尼泊尔作者都是中国人民的老朋友。特别是尼泊尔著名政治家、前首相基?尼?比斯塔,他曾十多次访华,同中国几代领导人都有过密切交往,无论在朝在野,对中国友好矢志不渝,为中尼友好事业作出了重要贡献。其他几位尼泊尔作者,包括尼泊尔前驻华公使、驻拉萨总领事、前国王首席新闻秘书、尼泊尔—中国研究中心主席、尼泊尔编辑家协会会长、尼泊尔外交学会前顾问等,他们或长期在中国学习、工作过,或多次访问过中国,都为中尼友好做了大量有益的工作。他们怀着对中国人民的友好情谊,积极撰文回顾和纪念尼中建交60 周年,描述他们同中国的友好交往和所见所闻,热情赞颂中国的飞速发展和巨大进步,表达对中尼友好合作继续发展的殷切期盼。中尼双方20多位资深人士撰写和亲历的这些友好故事,是中尼建交60 年来睦邻友好合作关系的生动体现和历史见证。
  This book which involves contributions from 16 Chinese writers and seven Nepali authors is actually a fruit of Sino-Nepalese friendship. Most Chinese writers had long worked in Nepal including some senior diplomats like former ambassadors counselors and military attachés. Besides some are editors and anchors of CRI Nepalese programs; some participated in the economic assistance China provided for Nepal and the cultural exchanges between the two countries; some are senior resident correspondents in Nepal and media figures once visiting the neighboring country; and some are scholars who have long been involved in studying Nepal. With a friendly heart for the Nepalese people they wrote down their own stories related to the country from different perspectives revealing the profound friendship between the two peoples.
  The Nepalese authors of the book are all old friends of the Chinese people. Among them Kirti Nidhi Bista an eminent politician and former Prime Minister visited China dozens of times and kept close contacts with Chinese leaders of several generations. No matter in office or opposition he has always worked hard to promote Sino-Nepalese friendship with substantial results. Other Nepalese authors include a former Nepali envoy to China the consul general in Lhasa the King’s former Chief Press Secretary the Chairman of China Study Center of Nepal the President of Editors Society of Nepal and the former counselor of Nepal Institute of Foreign Affairs. Having long studied and worked in China or visited China many times they did much beneficial work for friendship between China and Nepal. With the friendly feeling toward the Chinese people they actively reviewed the past and wrote articles to commemorate the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic ties between the two countries. These articles are all about their personal experiences in friendly exchanges between China and Nepal including what they saw and heard in China. They speak highly of the unprecedented achievements China has made in the past three decades and hopes for the continuous advancement of the friendship between the two countries. The stories in the book contributed by over 20 Chinese and Nepalese authors present a vivid expression of and bear a witness to the good-neighborliness friendship and cooperation between the two countries since they established the diplomatic relations around 60 years ago.




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