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12/23/2018 3:24:50 PM 人评论

《中国人的价值观(英文版)》内容介绍:This book reveals the development and traceof the Chinese values from traditional society upto now. It focuses on the present values of modernChinese people, and discusses the content ofChinese values in poli




  《中国人的价值观(英文版)》内容介绍:This book reveals the development and traceof the Chinese values from traditional society upto now. It focuses on the present values of modernChinese people, and discusses the content ofChinese values in political, economic, cultural andsocial life. In this book, the author explains thecore values of Chinese, especially their values onlife, harmony, ritual, justice, intelligence, prog-ress, beauty, and hereby reveals the spiritualityand belief of modern Chinese.


Dr. Yuwen Li,PhD advisor,director of Institute of Ideological and Political Education,chair of Institute of Civic Education,research fellow and director assistant of Center for Socialist Theory Studies,Peking University. He is also members of China Hominology Society,China Youth & Children Research Association,China Film Inspection Committee. He has been the primary researcher of several National Social Science Fund Projects and has won national prize for chairing projects by Ministry of Education of the PRC. His main works: The Contemporary Development of Chinese Ethos (2007),A Reader of Chinese Ethos(2008), Modern Curriculum Theory of Ideological and Political Education(2012).


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