《鉴真东渡弘法》主要内容简介:鉴真大师是中国唐朝时候的一位佛教高僧,他历尽磨难.经历了五次失败,终于在754年东渡日本,弘传佛法。作为一位伟大的文化使者,他将智慧、心血和生命都贡献给了中日文化交流事业,为世人树立了坚定信仰、顽强意志和博大胸怀的不朽典范。 This book tells the story of Jianzhen - prominent monk, who lived during the Tang Dynasty times in China. He went through many hardships making six attempts to cross the sea to take the Buddhist precepts to Japan. He succeeded in his last attempt. He introduced the advanced culture of the Tang Dynasty (architecture, sculpture, calligraphy, painting, and traditional Chinese medicine) to Japan, which still fuels the development of Japanese culture. The Japanese conferred him with the title "ultural Benefactor." He stands high as the symbol of long-term Sino-Japanese cultural exchange!