《做世界新民》讲述的是晏阳初先生在中国开展平民教育,进而领导国际乡村改造运动的故事。晏阳初平民教育的思想体系由儒家的民本思想和基督教的博爱哲学结合而产生。它于20世纪20年代在中国大地上生根、开花、结果,后由晏阳初本人将其收获的种子撒播于全世界贫瘠的土地上,并继续浇灌几十年,为中国和世界不发达国家和地区培养了一大批平民教育专家和乡村建设人才。晏阳初因此被称作“世界平民教育之父”。 This book tells the story of how Yan Yangchu (Y. C. James Yen) implemented mass education in China, and further led the international rural reconstruction movement. Yan Yangchu's theory of mass education is based on the combination of the Confucian idea that the people are the foundation and the Christ’s philosophy of universal love. His theory took root and thrived in China in the 1920s, and was spread to and applied in the impoverished lands all around the world under the efforts of Yan Yangchu for decades. He trained and developed a large number of mass education experts and rural construction talents for the less-developed nations and regions in China and the world, hence reputed as "Father of Mass Education of the World."