《唐山:一个世纪的故事》是“百年中国?城市系列” 系列画册之一,遵循唐山发展变迁的历史脉络,通过生动鲜活的新旧对比图片、通俗易懂的文字和新颖的编排风格,展现唐山的整体风貌、风土人情、历史变迁、市井民生、文化沿革、对外交流、名人轶事等,勾勒出这座城市的百年沧桑巨变。唐山的百年变迁,也是中国百年变迁的一个缩影。本书唤起人们对历史记忆的珍视,对社会巨变的认同,以及对未来发展的信心。 Tangshan, with a profound historical and cultural base, is one of the places where China’s modern industry was born .Tangshan is a heroic city born from catastrophe.Entering the new century, people in Tangshan cast their eyes on the blue sea. Relying on its port, the city will march forward to the ocean to realize a leap in development. This book contains a lot of pictures and vivid stories, to describe The reality of Tangshan turning into a demonstrative district with a prosperous economy, social harmony, ecological beauty, perfect mechanisms where people are happy.