该文集的20多位作者都在巴基斯坦长期工作过,深切体验过巴基斯坦人民对中国人民的深情厚谊,都愿为中巴友谊添砖加瓦。他们中有中国前驻巴基斯坦大使、总领事、参赞、秘书,有驻外记者,有公司代表,有诗人、学者,具有广泛的代表性。他们以自己亲身经历的生动故事,从多个侧面和视角描述、赞颂中巴友谊,使这本书具有很高的趣味性、可读性。这也反映了中国人民对巴基斯坦人民的深情厚谊,有助于读者了解中巴友谊的历史,了解中巴关系为什么这样“铁”、为什么成为不同社会制度国家关系的典范。巴基斯坦总统马姆努恩?侯赛因阁下在百忙之中抽时间亲自为本书写了序言,充分体现了巴基斯坦领导人对传承和发展中巴全天候友谊的高度重视。 The book contains stories contributed by some 20 people who experienced friendship the Pakistani people cherish for the Chinese during their years of work in Pakistan. They include former Chinese ambassadors consul generals secretaries counsellors correspondents corporate representative poets and scholars considered broadly representative. They tell in a serious but warm manner of the Sino-Pakistan friendship they themselves experienced. All the stories are authentic and vivid with great readability. In turn they also show the profound feelings of the Chinese for the people of Pakistan. Publication of the book is a significant event which is expected to help readers gain a better understanding of the friendship between China and Pakistan why Pakistan is the “cast-iron” friend of China and how two countries with different social systems are able to become a model of friendship for others to emulate. Pakistan President Mamnoon Hussein took time despite his busy schedule to write a Preface. This shows the high importance Pakistan leaders attach to the further development of the inheritance and development of the all-weather friendship between China and Pakistan.
对许多中国人而言,一提起巴基斯坦,就会自然而然地想到“老巴”、“铁杆儿”这样亲切的称呼。的确,中巴友谊脍炙人口、深入人心。两国之间建立了全天候友谊,开展了全方位合作,是不折不扣的好朋友、好邻居、好伙伴、好兄弟。中巴友好深植于两国民众心中,融入了人们的血脉,成为属于两国广大人民的宝贵精神财富。该文集的作者都是曾长期从事中巴友好交往的资深外交官和各界知名人士,他们通过自己的亲身经历,从不同角度生动回顾了自己和巴基斯坦各界民众的真挚友谊,讲述了中巴两国和两国人民的不解之缘。这些故事或娓娓道来,或以小见大,或激情洋溢,或严谨庄重,朴素中透露出真情,平凡中蕴含着深刻,唱响了中巴友好深入人心、历久弥坚的主旋律。这些故事如同盏盏明灯、涓涓细流,将照亮中巴友好的未来,汇成中巴友好的长河。 For the Chinese people Pakistan evokes a most cordial response as an “old friend” or “cast-iron ally.” This friendship has won universal praise and enjoys popular public support on both sides. The two countries have developed all-weather friendship and all-dimensional cooperation. They are good friends neighbors partners and brothers. The friendship between China and Pakistan has been rooted in the hearts of the two peoples and flows in their veins becoming a precious spiritual treasure of most people. This book contains stories written by veteran diplomats and celebrities who have long been engaged in friendship and exchanges between China and Pakistan. They tell their own stories from different angles to discuss their sincere friendship with people from all walks of life and narrate the close relationship between the two countries and their peoples. These stories are told in a straightforward or commonplace way passionately or solemnly. In them true feelings are disclosed of both simplicity and profundity embedded in ordinary life. They sing loudly a song of friendship between China and Pakistan that has won widespread support through the generations. These stories will illuminate the future of friendship life like bright lights and converge into the river of friendship like running brooks.
陆树林,中国前驻特立尼达和多巴哥、巴基斯坦大使,中巴友好协会常务理事。 Lu Shulin, Former Chinese Ambassador to Trinidad and Tobago, Chinese Ambassador to Pakistan, and Executive Director of the China-Pakistan Friendship Association.