《罗伯特·福琼:植物猎人(英文版)》为英文版,介绍了罗伯特·福琼的出生、坎坷的成长经历,以及受聘于东印度公司之后来到中国从事贸易活动的情况。罗伯特·福琼(Robert Fortune,1812―1880),苏格兰植物学家,曾先后四次来到远东地区。在两次鸦片战争期间,他来到中国沿海城市寻访植物标本,到黄山和武夷山寻找好茶叶,并且希望打通中国内陆的贸易之路。《罗伯特·福琼:植物猎人(英文版)》作者用近10年的时间走访了中国浙江、江西、福建、上海、江苏、天津等地,细致调研了福琼两次鸦片战争期间在中国沿海地区采集的园艺植物标本、并将中国茶树种植技术移植到印度的经历。
David K. Ferguson was born in New Zealand, but grew up in Scotland. He studied Geology at St. Andrews University and Plant Systematics at the University of Liverpool before going on to specialize in Palaeobotany at the State University of Utrecht. In the course of this work, he realized just how many Eastern Asiatic plants once grew in Europe. Between 1969 and 1980 he worked periodically with Lucien A. Lauener on Chinese plants at the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh. He first visited China in person in 1986, and has since fallen under the spell of this fascinating country. He currently collaborates with various Chinese universities and botanical/palaeobotanicalinstitutes.From1992 until 2010 he was Professor of Palaeobotany at the University of Vienna. During this time he developed the idea of writing a biography about Robert Fortune (1812-1880), one of the first professional plantsmen to introduce ornamental plants from the Far East into Europe. Since 2007 the author has travelled widely, visiting as many of Fortune's haunts as possible, in order to gain an insight into the plant hunter' s experiences.