阿德莱克·奥拉达波·班沃,Adeleke Oladapo Banwo is a foreign expert in the StudentAffairs Office of Overseas Education College at JiangsuUniversity.He is also a co-author of a textbook titled "OrganizationalBehavior in Focus" and has received many awards andscholarships, such as Chinese Government Scholarship forself-funded students', Anxin and Weiguang floor tilesentrepreneurship scholarship and Graduate Scholar Awardat the International Conference Knowledge, Culture andChange in Organization, University of California atBerkeley, the USA.He holds a Doctorate degree in Management Science andEngineering .from Jiangsu University, China, a Master ofScience degree in Organizational Behavior from Universityof Lagos, a Master of Business Administration degree inMarketing from Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University,Bauchi, and a Bachelor degree in Banking and Finance fromOgun State University, Nigeria. His research interestincludes, environmental behavior, organizational behaviorand small and medium enterprises. He has more than fivecited peer-reviewed schohtrly publications and presented atboth local conferences in China and the USA.His professional working career spans over a decade in theNigerian finaneial industry with expertise in retail banking,team management, branch relationship management, incomegeneration, micro finance and credit management. Adelekehas a passion for volunteering, mentoring, writing andplaying with children.