一个中国人的名字,像航标灯一样闪耀在茫茫夜海整整600年。这个有如启明星般的名字,曾点燃十五世纪的文明曙光,辉映和引领了一个时代的航路。这位航海先行者以智慧为舵、意志作桨,扬起和平的风帆,饮风餐浪二十八载,犁波耕澜数十万里,筚路蓝缕,创造了世界航海史上的壮举。1405年7月11日,满载着2.7万余人的庞大船队,从太仓刘家港出发。1407年秋,郑和带回了爪哇等国的朝贡使节和数十船商贸换回的异域珍品,完成首次航行。其后又六次远航,远到达索马里和肯尼亚。郑和七下西洋是史上的伟大壮举,郑和是世界上伟大的航海家之一,同时又是世界上伟人之一,许多谜至今仍未解开。 This book tells the story of Zheng He’s seven voyages to the western oceans. Zheng He is a Chinese navigator of the Ming Dynasty, who led a massive fleet and visited more than 30 countries and regions on the coast of the West Pacific and the Indian Ocean from 1405 to 1433, half a century prior to the inception of the Great Era of Navigation in Europe. His voyages strengthened the friendly relations between China and the Southeast Asia, South Asia, West Asia, and East African nations in the Ming Dynasty, and conducted unprecedented economic and cultural exchanges, achieving a host of win-win results.