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12/24/2018 9:37:24 PM 人评论

In this book, the author analyzes common errors frequently made by first-year Chinese college students in learning English. The aim is to help the readers to distinguish between correct and incorrect ways of expression. This book demonstrates correct




In this book, the author analyzes common errors frequently made by first-year Chinese college students in learning English. The aim is to help the readers to distinguish between correct and incorrect ways of expression. This book demonstrates correct English sentence models. The section, "Correct Sentence Models in English" is written in an English-Chinese bilingual form; the author expects it will benefit college students, or other readers, in self-study. An appendix entitled, "Summary of Verb Tenses," aids this book by making it convenient and easy for readers to learn verb tenses in English.


The book has five parts, among which chapters two, three, fourand five constitute the main body and the first part serves as an introduction that states the theoretical bases of the book and the principles the author has followed in the writing of the book.


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