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12/25/2018 9:34:12 PM 人评论







  The AP Computer Science A exam is a three-hour written exam. No books, calculators, orcomputers are allowed! The exam consists of two parts that have equal weight:
  SectiOH 1: 40 multiple-choice questions in 1 hour and 30 minutes.
  Section 11: 4 free-response questions in 1 hour and 30 minutes.
  Section I is scored by machine-you will bubble your answers with a pencil on a mark-sense sheet. Each question correctly answered is worth 1 point. There are no deductions forincorrect answers, and a question left blank is ignored.
  Section Ilis scored by human readers-you will write your answers in a booklet provided.Free-response questions typically involve writing methods in Java to solve a given problem.Sometimes there are questions analyzing algorithms or designing and modiifying data structures. You may be asked to write or design an entire class. To ensure consistency in the grading, each grader follows the same rubric, and each of your four answers may be examinedby more than one reader. Each question is worth 9 points, with partial credit awarded whereapplicable. Your name and school are hidden from the readers.
  Your raw score for both sections is converted to an integer score from 1 to 5, where 1 rep-resents "Not at all qualified" and 5 represents "Extremely well qualified." Be aware that theawarding ofAP credit varies enormously from college to college. The exam covers roughly aone-semester introductory college course.
  The language of the AP exam is Java. Only a subset of the Java language will be tested onthe exam. In writing your solutions to the free-response questions, however, you may useany Java features, including those that are not in the AP subset. For a complete descriptionof this subset, see the College Board website at https://apstudent.collegeboard.org/apcourse/ap-computer-science-a/course-details. Every language topIc in th18 reviewbook is part of theAP Java subset unless explicitly stated otherwise. Note that the endre subset l8 covered inthe book
  For both the multiple-choice and free-response sections of the exam, there will be a qLuckreference in the appendix. You can look at this ahead of time by selecting About the Examand then cliclang on quick reference on the College Board website.


作者Roselyn Teukolsky,1968年毕业于威特沃特斯兰德大学,1976年毕业于康奈尔大学数学教育硕士学位。她是一名有40年教学经验的数学和计算机科学老师。


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