中国先秦诸子的哲学思想、儒道佛三家的哲思妙论至今读来仍充满睿智,予人启迪。这些中国文化的思想精华,对于许多外国人来说也同样充满吸引力。 英文版“中国智慧”丛书面向国外读者,用当代人的视角探索孔子、老子、孙子、孟子、庄子等文化先贤传奇跌宕的人生;用生动的故事和白描的手法,诠释他们的智慧思想;通过中外历史文化纵横比较,表现中国文化的传承以及中国传统文化与西方文化之间的相互影响。
“中国智慧”丛书包括:《一代宗师—孔子》《亚圣—孟子》《兵圣—孙子》《千年道德经—老子》《天地逍遥游—庄子》。本套丛书的特色,就是突出了古代先贤的智慧思想和当代中国社会的关联性,因此每一个先贤人物读起来都是那样平和亲近。书后附各位先贤经典语录,深入浅出的演绎,非常适合外国人阅读和理解,可作为他们了解中国文化的敲门砖。 《亚圣——孟子》,向国外读者介绍孔子以后的儒学大师、被中国历代知识分子尊崇为“亚圣”的孟子的生平及其经典语录。孟子是中国古代思想家、教育家,他发展了孔子的“礼治”和“德政”思想,提倡“王道”,主张“仁政”,后世将他与孔子合称为“孔孟”。 The pre-Qin Confucian philosophy and Taoism, are full of wisdom, giving modern time people profound inspiration and enlightment. They represent the essence of the Chinese culture. The Wisdom of China is a series for foreign readers. They tell of the lives and wisdom of ancient sages including Confucius, Lao Tzu, Sun Zi, Menciu and Chuang-tzu. From these readers are expected to the cultural wisdom of the Chinese. As the books are treated with living stories, readers will feel close to the time sages and find it easy to understand their philosophies. A survey among the potential readers show these books are easy to understand and the best channel to understand a cultural China. The series books include CONFUCIUS: A Philosopher for the Ages, LAO TZU: The Eternal Tao Te Ching, MENCIUS: A Benevolent Saint for the Ages, SUN TZU: The Ultimate Master of War, ZHUANGZI: Enjoyment of Life in an Untroubled State. For the compilation of these books, the authors went to hometowns of these sages and hit numerous books in library. Many of their contents are available to readers for the first time. Confucius and Mencius are known in the Chinese history as the two greatest sages. In the two millennia that have passed since Mencius lived, his thoughts and ideas have continued to have a major influence on the Chinese people. Even today, people can be regularly heard to quote the sayings of this man….