The Chinese Dream of education has been passed down from gen-eration to generation. From the proposal of Sun Yat-Sen to "revitalizethe Chinese nation" for the first time in 1894, the call of Liang Qichaoin 1900 that "the wisdom, prosperity, and strength of a country relieson its youth," to the advice of Sun Yirang that "the wisdom and com-petence of the people is vital to the strength and prosperity of the coun-try," countless people with lofty ideals waged indomitable strugglesand continuous exploration for realizing the great rejuvenation of theChinese nation, yet they failed again and again. After its foundation, theCommunist Party of China rallied and led the Chinese people in makinggreat sacrifices, forging ahead against all odds, and transforming a poorand backward China into an increasingly prosperous and strong nation,thus opening completely new horizons for national rejuvenation. Sincethe founding of New China, especially since the reform and openingup, education has always been considered as the most fundamentalcause of the country and national rejuvenation.
Qin Zheng assumes Vice-President of theSouthern University of Science and Technologythrough national public selection. He receivedhis master's degree and PhD from Xidian Uni-versity in 1991 and 1994 respectively. Duringthat period, he once served as chairman of thegraduate union. He finished his post-doctoralresearch in Xi'an Jiaotong University in 1996.He taught in Xi'an Jiaotong University from1996 to 2005, during which he once served asDeputy Director at the Department of StudentAffairs. He was promoted by breaking conven-tions to Associate Professor in 1996, Professorin 1999, and Doctoral Supervisor in 2000. Hebecame a senior visiting scholar at the Univer-sity of Sydney in 2002. He served as Dean ofthe School of Information Management andEngineering, Shanghai University of Financeand Economics between 2005 and 2011. InJune 2011, he was hired asVice-President of theSouthern University of Science and Technologythrough national public selection. He has takencharge of and finished many academic proj-ects at national level as well as provincial andministerial-level, has published more than onehundred theses at home and abroad, and hasfinished nine books, including Chinese Dreamof Education and University Governing Docu-ments at Home and Abroad.