中国汉代的张骞两次出使西域,打通举世闻名的丝绸之路。他打开了西域的大门,由他开拓的丝绸之路,揭开了东西经济文化交流的新时代。这位勇敢而富有献身精神的探险家和外交家书写了中西文化交流史上生动传奇的一页。 This book tells the story of Zhang Qian, an explorer in the Han Dynasty who adventured to the Western Region twice and opened the worldly-renowned Silk Road. Zhang Qian was the first to open the gate to the Western Region, and the Silk Road that he pioneered ushered in a new era in economic and cultural exchanges between the East and the West. This brave and dedicated explorer and diplomat has made a permanent mark on the history of Sino-foreign cultural exchange.