本书既有对中国戏曲发展概况、艺术特点的综合描述,也有对戏曲的不同行当、类型、代表作品的专门介绍,对于读者了解中国戏曲、了解中国文化,是一本很好的指导介绍性读物。 The book includes both overviews on the development and artistic features of the Chinese operas and specialized introduction to the roles, types and representative works of the operas. It is a good guide book for readers to understand the Chinese operas and culture.
“中国文化经典导读”系列分领域介绍中华文化(文学、历史、艺术、教育等)的经典作品及其内涵,为外国读者了解中国文化提供既实用的指南,以有效地促进外国读者对中国文化的了解。 中国古典戏曲与古希腊戏剧、印度梵剧并称为“世界三大古老戏剧”,并在长达800年以上的时间里,始终保持着自己的基本形态。本书在简要概述中国戏曲发展历程和主要特点的基础上,重点选取有代表性的戏曲作品,从文学、表演等不同角度加以分析。国外读者可以由此明白如何更好地欣赏中国古典戏曲。 The classical Chinese opera, the ancient Greek play and the Indian Sanskrit drama are known as the “three greatest ancient theatres in the world”. For more than 800 years, the classical Chinese operas have been developing with their fundamental forms retained. Based on a brief introduction to the development and main characteristics of the Chinese operas, the book provides analysis on a number of representative opera works from different perspectives, such as literature and performance. For foreign readers, it is a good work for learning about how to enjoy the Chinese operas in a better way.
《文史知识》编辑部,《文史知识》杂志自创刊以来,一直坚持大专家写小文章,坚持深入浅出地介绍和评述中国优秀传统文化,受到学术界的广泛好评。其作者荟萃全国一流文史专家,内容涵盖中国传统文化各个方面,文章知识性、趣味性、学术性兼备,深入浅出,雅俗共赏。 Editorial Board of Chinese Literature and History: Since the first issue of the Chinese Literature and History magazine, the Editorial Department has been embracing the principle to invite highly proficient experts to write easy-to-understand articles to introduce and review the excellent traditional Chinese culture in simple language. Therefore, the magazine has won wide acclaim in the academic circle. It has attracted a great number of Chinese authors, who are top experts in literature and history. Its content covers all aspects of traditional Chinese culture. Its articles are highly informative, interesting and academically outstanding. The adoption of the way to explain the profound in simple terms make the articles suit both refined and popular tastes.